Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Keamanan Informasi -- Mencari Identitas (Facebook)

Dikisahkan Anda diteror oleh seseorang di rekening Facebook Anda. Misalnya Anda menerima message dari orang yang tidak dikenal secara berulang-ulang, atau orang tersebut menuliskan pesan yang tidak bertanggung jawab. Bagaimana Anda mengetahui siapa orang ini?

Dalam kasus lain, Anda diminta untuk mencari tahu siapa yang membuat sebuah group tanpa ikut menjadi anggota dari group tersebut. Bagaimana caranya?

Singkatnya Anda diminta untuk melakukan investigasi terhadap rekening facebook. Uraikan ide-ide Anda.

hmm,, tugas kali ini agak tricky, karena jawabannya bebas, saya pun tidak yakin 100% kalau jawaban2 dibawah ini tapi mari kita lihat kemungkinan2nya:

jika akun yang digunakan adalah akun asli orang tsb (bukan akun mengada2), maka tentunya kita dapat dengan mudah mencari nama orang tsb via google ataupun tools yang dapat memberikan data-data pribadi seseorang seperti whitepages atau semacamnya. Jika menggunakan tools tersebut, biasanya tidak seluruh data

Jika akun yang digunakan adalah akun palsu, maka cara-cara yang bisa digunakan adalah: 1. mengirimi link yang kira-kira menarik bagi orang tersebut (untuk dibaca), jika dia mengeklik link tersebut maka akan dibawa pada suatu website (buatan kita sendiri) yang isinya meminta dia untuk mengisi form data pribadi. (moga2 saja dia mengisi, amin.).. cara lain adalah dengan, hmm.. apa ya?

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Sunday, April 11, 2010

Keamanan Informasi -- Latihan menyadap jaringan

Oke, another tugas Keamanan Informasi

Anda diminta untuk menggunakan program sniffer (penyadap) seperti wireshark, tcpdump, atau sejenisnya untuk melakukan salah satu dari hal di bawah ini:

1. mengukur jumlah data yang digunakan untuk membuka satu sesi gmail atau facebook;
2. memantau serangan dari port scanning yang dilakukan dengan menggunakan program nmap.

Untuk yang (1) yang disebut satu sesi adalah login, membaca sebuah email (atau menulis sebuah email), kemudian logout. Jangan lupa program sniffer diset agar *semua* data ditangkap. Biasanya default dari program sniffer hanya menangkap header saja. Tujuan utamanya adalah untuk menghitung jumlah data yang ditangkap.

Untuk (2) tujuannya adalah untuk melihat pola "serangan" port scanning yang dilakukan oleh nmap. Apakah dia melakukan scanning dengan menguji port secara berurutan?

dan inilah jawabannya saudara2:
1. untuk pertanyaan ini saya menggunakan plugin firebug pada firefox. cukup dengan membuka facebook, baca message, lalu kemudian logout. berikut ini adalah screenshotnya:

login facebook: 183.4KB

baca message: 426.5KB

logout facebook: 30.2KB

tampaknya data diatas cukup untuk menjawab poin 1. berarti cukup, karena yang diminta hanya 1 saja, hehehe. trims

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Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Link: Magnivate • Interactive Boutique Agency

Magnivate • Interactive Boutique Agency

great copywriting, fucking great graphics, killer skill, done beautifuly.
this is dope. too cool. you got to try this. gladly, they're from indonesia :D

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Sunday, April 4, 2010

Link: Architecture awards and relationships | Derek Sivers

Architecture awards and relationships | Derek Sivers

another great post from derek sivers about relationship.


Kings of Convenience live in Bandung

Saturday, March 27th was one of the best days I had in 2010. simply because at that day I had the chance to watch their performance live in Sabuga, Bandung. Yeah, I've been waiting for this day from January, I think.

For you who didn’t have the chance to attend the show, oh how unlucky you are.

After waiting for about 6 hours since 5pm, then they come up on stage. When they sang their 1st song for the night, called my ship isn't pretty, oh we're so excited, thrilled, and amazed at the same time. It's so unbelieveable, to see your idol up there at the stage singing your favorite song. You're stupid if you don’t sing along with them, hehe.

Their performance that night was beyond awesome, it was brilliant. OMG I can't tell how their live performance was much much much better than their CD records. Damn. The melody they pick, Eirik's voice, Erlend's energetic performance, it all blend into one great show.

There are some special moments, too. Such as when Eirik get down on his knee, acting like he's tuning his guitar, but Erlend alone sang a song in some kind of strange languange. "Hmm, is it Norwegian language?" I was wondering, and then I listen to it again a little bit carefully, and I can barely hear ".. Berharap.. Menyembuhkan luka..." OMG, it was bahasa Indonesia! Shit! Not so good at the pronounsation, but I must admit, a nice try! Oh man, I did expect him to do this, but what he did still shocked me.. Hahaha… Erlend said that they are really admire Whiteshoes & The Couples Company, so that's why he sang their song.

And then at the end of "Peacetime Resistance", (I know someone who really love this song, too bad you weren't there sweetie ;p) they asked us to say "Uuuuu, uu, uuuuuu..." and "Aaaa,aaaaaaaa,aa..".. Yeah, it was awesome!

Near the end of the show, they called the drummer and bassist from Whiteshoes to join them playing the last 2 songs (uh shit, last 2 songs? They had been playing for about 1,25hour but it felt so fast). Erlend now switch to play the piano. They played "Boat Behind" and "I'd rather dance with you", both songs are upbeat, so everyone starts to dance that night, ahhh sooooo great! I'd rather dance than just listening, hehe.. And when "I'd rather dance with you" comes to its end, they got a full applause from everyone in the stage. Oh come on, we want more! The crowd said it out loud: "we want more!", asking for encore.. Damn great crowd, so finally they came back on stage, and agree to sing another song.

And what is the last song, everyone? It's "Homesick"! Ah, the song was really calming. A great song to close their performance. And even better, since that day was the EarthHour day, so they played the last song without any lights. Dark. Total darkness. Pitch black. But that way, everyone can feel the emotion in that song. Ah sooooo f****ccckkking greaaat performance!

Thanks so much Erlend and Eirik, you just made my whole year in 2010.

These are the photos from (i didn't have the chance to take pictures because we're not allowed to do that, shit.)

Erlend's appearance: Geek Rules!

Eiriks's makes all the ladies around me klepek2,,ckckck.. His look, his voice, his guitar's melody was amazing (the girls consider it as mesmerizing). But he's seriously cool. Too kewl. Damn.

Setlist for that night:
1. my ships isn't pretty
2. love is no big truth
3. 24-25
4. me in you
5. i don't know what i can save you from
6. singing softly to me
7. the girl from back then
8. cayman islands
9. mrs. cold
10.rule my world
11.peacetime resistance
12.toxic girl
13.bersandar (Erlend covers the song)
15.boat behind
16.i'd rather dance with you
17. homesick

Ps: thanks to marin and her friend (uh sorry, I forget your name, heu..) for allowing me to join you gals :D

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