Final project: Multitouch table.
Mungkin sebagian udah pada tau, dan sebagian lain mungkin belum tau: tugas akhir saya adalah membuat sebuah aplikasi multitouch. Well, cukup baru dan cukup jarang ada topik TA semacam ini, karena biasanya terkendala oleh peralatan multitouch yang tidak umum ditemukan.
Kenapa saya memilih topik TA ini? Hmm, kenapa tidak? I think it's damn cool, to have a multitouch instrument for you and your friends to collaborate. Kapan lagi punya mainan sendiri yang bisa bikin temen2 iri,hehehe...
Saya sendiri tidak akan dapat memulai TA ini tanpa bantuan teman saya, Anthony. Well, he got excited when I showed him the reactable video. Then later on he gets his mind jumps all over the multitouch idea, too, and we both just decided to build our own multitouch table and do our final undergraduate project on that thing. yeah! \m/
Up until now, the project is progressing smoothly, and we're in the middle of the exciting part: building the table. But we still don't have a name for it.. Anyone come up with a catchy name?
Labels: kuliah, main2, multitouch, tekno
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